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Mum defends breastfeeding her baby while having sex

A mother-of-three has said there’s nothing wrong with having sex with her husband while breastfeeding her baby.

Another mum has also defended her decision to breastfeed her baby while having sex with her husband.

Mother-of-three, Tasha Maile, says there’s “nothing bad about making love at all”, even if you’re breastfeeding at the same time.

The controversial mum told her YouTube followers in a new video that she’s still facing backlash from a clip she uploaded in 2015 about her now ex-husband, titled “Do I have sex while breastfeeding?”

The mother has gained a large online following because of her spiritual beliefs and the way she raises her three sons, Josiah, Soul and Love.

But to some of her loyal following, this was a step too far, and Tasha is receiving backlash for her comments nearly two years after the video was posted.

The vegan blogger took to the video-sharing site once again to defend her comments, slamming her critics.

Tasha told The Sun: “From what I remember, I remember sleeping with my ex-husband and my son was on me breastfeeding and we would have sex from behind or something.

“There’s nothing bad about making love at all, ever.”

The controversial vlogger says in a follow up video to defend her actions to her critics that her three-month-old son would not allow her to put him down, so she was with him all the time.

Tasha said the couple would make love while their baby was sleeping next to them or on her.

Critics had posted on the previous video, which has now racked up more than three million views, condemning the mother for her decision.

One said: “How can you be turned on when your child is nursing…?! I agree with her that sex is important and natural, but come on, not while you are feeding your baby! Wait a few minutes! ”

Another chipped in: “I wouldn’t want my children to be watching me and my husband make love that [sic] extremely personal.”

But not all were so critical. One user said: “She’s so open and in touch with herself. It’s beautiful to see somebody like that. I’ve always been much too worried what other people think and repressed. ”

Another said: “Completely natural and normal. I have no idea how some brainwashed people can see it as a disgusting thing. ”

Poser: Parents, would you engage in sex while your baby is being breastfed?
Mum defends breastfeeding her baby while having sex Mum defends breastfeeding her baby while having sex Reviewed by Hh on 8:48:00 AM Rating: 5

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